Hi everyone,
I am so sorry that I have been slacking from blogging. I just have been really busy with school. Every week I have things that are due, and sometimes there are more than 2 things that are due in the same day. I just been going crazy lately. hee hee
I am so sorry that I should do something special for Halloween. I did make my mom turn into a cat, well, just semi cat like. I just draw some face makeup on her, and she put on a pattern dress and wear the cat ears with a tail. There is a competition at her workplace today. Though I doubt that her makeup will last since she is a dental assistant, wearing mask and working with patients would not make the makeup last long. Hope she won't turn into a monster by the end of the day. Hahhaha. I would show you guys the picture, but we were running late. So sorry guys.
This year I dress my sister up for Toga day at her school. Sadly, I don't have any picture at all that is good quality.
Although that I don't have any tutorials for anything related to Halloween, would you guys like to see tutorials from other gurus on Youtube? I have been into Greek costume lately, so I thought of some perfect videos below for those of you who wants last minute costume, makeup, and hair. Enjoy!!!!
Visit anneorshine page, and subscribe for more costume tutorials
Visit itsjudytime and subscribe for more elegant hair tutorials
Visit Dope2111and subscribe for more Halloween looks
Hope you guys like it. Please visit them for more ideas.
Thanks. And Wish you guys a Happy Halloween. Please have fun and be safe!!!
Disclaimer: I am not paid to promote any of their channel, they are some of my favorite gurus. I just want to help you guys with last minute costume idea.
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